
Welcome to the Surfbaud Marine Propeller site, or SurfProp. Navigation around the site is simple enough, the horizontal nav bar at the top of every other page shows the current level, the vertical nav bar at the side of the page shows child levels.

This started quite some time ago as a simple spreadsheet, created in MS Excel, which users could use to input certain data about their boat and get instant answers about the ideal propeller. It turns out that even this assumes too much technical knowledge on the part of the boat owner, and the leap from dry numbers in a spreadsheet to the dripping propeller as fitted to the freshly lifted out hull is too great for many. So unlike the original (and still unfinished) spreadsheet, this site does aim to be a learning resource for anyone who wishes to understand marine propulsion in some detail. Users are asked to note that this site deals mainly with displacement craft, so if you own a planing hull you need to look at a different set of equations which this site does not deal with.

All users are asked to note that this site is intended as a learning resource only, and while all care has been taken to ensure that all data is as accurate as possible the creators of this site cannot be held liable in any way, shape, or form, for any injury or loss suffered by any user subsequent to using this site. You are expected not only to have a brain and a modicum of common sense, but to use it on ocassion too.

We welcome all links to this site, but all links must lead to this page only, and said links, when followed, must appear full screen and not within a frame in another site.

This site and all its contents exclusive copyright Surfbaud 1997-2002. Surfbaud expressly prohibit all reproduction, in whole or in part, without prior written permission.